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Fines, how to be applied.

21. All fines, premiums, and sums of money which shall be had, received, or
paid, for or on account of the renewal of any lease, after a deduction of all
necessary incidental charges and expences, shall be paid, if such renewal
shall be made by or in the name of an infant, to his guardian, and be applied
and disposed of for the benefit of such infant, in such manner as the said
court shall direct; ...; if such renewal shall be made in the name of any
person out of jurisdiction or not amenable as aforesaid, to such person or in
such manner, or into the Court of Chancery to such account, and to be applied
and disposed of as the said court shall direct; ....

S.22 rep. by SLR 1874. Ss.23, 24 and 25 (reciting and repealing 1714 (1 Geo.1
stat.2) c.10 s.9) rep. by SLR 1873

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