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Northern Irish Legislation

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Court of Chancery may authorize leases to be made of lands belonging to infants when it is for the benefit of the estate.

17. Where any person, being an infant under the age of [eighteen] years, is or
shall be seised or possessed of or entitled to any land in fee or in tail, or
to any leasehold land for an absolute interest, and it shall appear to the
Court of Chancery to be for the benefit of such person that a lease or
under-lease should be made of such estates for terms of years, for encouraging
the erection of buildings thereon, or for repairing buildings actually being
thereon, or the working of mines, or otherwise improving the same, or for
farming or other purposes, it shall be lawful for such infant or his guardian
in the name of such infant, by the direction of the Court of Chancery, to be
signified by an order to be made in a summary way upon the petition of such
infant or his guardian, to make such lease of the land of such persons
respectively, or any part thereof, according to his or her interest therein
respectively, and to the nature of the tenure of such estates respectively for
such term or terms of years, and subject to such rents and covenants, as the
said Court of Chancery shall direct; but in no such case shall any fine or
premium be taken, and in every such case the best rent that can be obtained,
regard being had to the nature of the lease, shall be reserved upon such
lease; and the leases, and covenants and provisions therein, shall be settled
and approved of by a master of the said court, and a counterpart of every such
lease shall be executed by the lessee or lessees therein to be named, and such
counterparts shall be deposited for safe custody in the master's office until
such infants shall attain [eighteen], but with liberty to proper parties to
have the use thereof, if required, in the meantime, for the purpose of
enforcing any of the covenants therein contained; provided that no lease be
made of the capital mansion house and the park and grounds respectively held
therewith for any period exceeding the minority of any such infant.

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