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Northern Irish Legislation

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Guardians of minors, &c. in order to the surrender and renewal of leases, may apply to the Court of Chancery, &c. and by order may surrender such leases, and accept renewals of the same, &c.

12. In all cases where any person, being under the age of [eighteen] years,
..., is or shall become entitled to any lease or leases made or granted or to
be made or granted for the life or lives of one or more person or persons, or
for any term of years, either absolute or determinable upon the death of one
or more person or persons, or otherwise, it shall be lawful for such person
under the age of [eighteen] years, or for his or her guardian or other person
on his behalf ..., to apply to the Court of Chancery in England, ..., by
petition or motion in a summary way; and by the order and direction of the
said courts respectively such infant ..., or his guardian, or any person
appointed in the place of such infant ... by the said courts respectively,
shall and may be enabled from time to time, by deed or deeds, to surrender
such lease or leases, and accept and take, in the place and for the benefit of
such person under the age of [eighteen] years, ..., one or more new lease or
leases of the premises comprised in such lease surrendered by virtue of
this Act, for and during such number of lives, or for such term or terms of
years determinable upon such number of lives, or for such term or terms of
years absolute, as was or were mentioned or contained in the lease or leases
so surrendered at the making thereof respectively, or otherwise as the said
courts shall respectively direct.

S.13 rep. by SLR 1873

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