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Northern Irish Legislation

You are here:  BAILII >> Databases >> Northern Irish Legislation >> INDICTABLE OFFENCES ACT 1848

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Extent of Act and saving.

32. ... Nothing in this Act shall be deemed or taken to extend to ... Ireland,
... save and except the several provisions respectively herein-before
contained respecting the backing of warrants....

Ss.3335 rep. by SLR 1875one of Her Majesty's justices of the peace for the
said [county]f , that the name of J.S., to the within warrant subscribed, is
of the handwriting of the justice of the peace within mentioned; I do
therefore hereby authorize W.T., who bringeth to me this warrant, and all
other persons to whom this warrant was originally directed, or by whom it may
lawfully be executed, and also all constables and other peace officers of the
said [county] of , to execute the same within the said last-mentioned
[county], and to bring the said A.B., if apprehended within the same [county],
before me, or before some other justice or justices of the peace of the same
county, to be dealt with according to law.

Given under my hand, this day of 184.

The words following this asterisk are to be used only where the justice
backing the warrant shall think fit, and may be omitted in backing English
warrants in Ireland, ... &c., or in backing Irish ... warrants, &c. in

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