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Northern Irish Legislation

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Scottish warrants may be backed in Ireland.

15. If any person against whom a warrant shall be issued by the Lord Justice
General, Lord Chief Justice Clerk, or any of the Lords Commisioners of
Justiciary, or by any [sheriff principal or sheriff], or justice of the peace,
of Scotland, for any crime or offence against the laws of that part of the
United Kingdom, shall escape, go into, reside, or be, or shall be supposed or
suspected to be, in any county or place in ... Ireland, it shall be lawful for
any justice of the peace in and for the county or place into which such person
shall escape or go, or where he shall reside or be, or shall be supposed or
suspected to be, to indorse (K.) the said warrant in manner herein-before
mentioned; and which said warrant so indorsed shall be a sufficient authority
to the person or persons bringing the same, and to all persons to whom the
same was originally directed, and also to all constables and other peace
officers of the county or place where the justice so indorsing such warrant
shall have jurisdiction, to execute the said warrant in the county or place
where it is so indorsed, by apprehending the person against whom such warrant
shall have been granted, and to convey him into the county or place in
Scotland next adjoining to England, and carry him before the [sheriff
principal or sheriff], or one of the justices of the peace, of such county or

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