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Northern Irish Legislation

You are here:  BAILII >> Databases >> Northern Irish Legislation >> INDUSTRIAL INVESTMENT (AMENDMENT) ACT (NORTHERN IRELAND) 1970

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1.(1) If, in the case of an application to which this section applies for a
grant under section 6(1) of the Industrial Investment (General Assistance) Act
(Northern Ireland) 1966 (grants towards approved capital expenditure incurred
in providing a new ship or in converting a ship), the Ministry of Finance is
of opinion that for the Ministry of Commerce (in this Act referred to as "the
Ministry") to grant the application would operate to the detriment of the
United Kingdom in the matter of its balance of payments, the Ministry of
Finance may direct the Ministry to refrain from granting the application.

(2) This section applies to an application received by the Ministry after 21st
April 1970 other than

(a)an application for a grant in respect of the provision or conversion of a
ship, where it is shown to the satisfaction of the Ministry that, when all of
the work involved in the provision or conversion is completed, none of it (or
none of the bulk of it) will be found to have been done at a place which, when
it was done, was outside the area which was the Convention area for the
purposes of the European Free Trade Association Act 1960 and the Republic of
Ireland; or

Para.(b) spent

S.2 rep. by 1976 NI 10 art.17(3)

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