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Property belonging to see or church.

30.... where any property is vested in any ecclesiastical or
cathedral corporation in Ireland in trust for the poor or any other charitable
purpose, the dissolution of such corporation shall not affect the continuance
of the trust, but such property shall immediately upon such dissolution vest
in the representative body of the said Church,... but subject always to the
trusts affecting the same, and under the same supervision, local or otherwise,
as theretofore, or as near thereto as the circumstances of the case will
admit; and in all cases where ecclesiastical persons are at present in right
of their dignities or offices entitled to be members of any lay corporations
constituted for the management of any private endowment, or are trustees for
the management of property belonging to institutions of private foundation for
purposes not ecclesiastical, then the persons (if any) who shall hereafter at
any time discharge duties similar or analogous to those now discharged by such
ecclesiastical persons shall be entitled to succeed in their room, and be
members of such lay corporations, and to act as such trustees.

Ss.31, 32 rep. by SLR 1893 (No.2)

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