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Northern Irish Legislation

You are here:  BAILII >> Databases >> Northern Irish Legislation >> INDUSTRIAL ASSURANCE (NORTHERN IRELAND) ORDER 1979

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20.(1) Any collecting society or industrial assurance company which issues
policies of industrial assurance which are illegal or are not within the legal
powers of the society or company shall be held to have made default in
complying with the provisions of this Order, and, where any such policy has
been issued, the society or company shall, without prejudice to any other
penalty, be liable to pay to the owner of the policy a sum equal to the
surrender value of the policy (to be ascertained in the manner hereinafter
provided), or, if the policy was issued after 31st December 1924, a sum equal
to the amount of the premiums paid, unless it is proved that owing to any
false representation on the part of the proposer, the society or company did
not know that the policy was illegal or beyond their legal powers.

(2) A collector of, or person employed by, a society or company shall not
knowingly assist in effecting a policy of industrial assurance which is
illegal or not within the legal powers of the society or company.

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