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Northern Irish Legislation

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39.(1) Sections 70 and 71 of the Friendly Societies Act, in their application
to an amalgamation and transfer of engagements of collecting societies, shall
have effect subject to the modification that an amalgamation or transfer shall
not become effective unless sanctioned by the Commissioner; and the
Commissioner, before sanctioning any such amalgamation or transfer, shall hear
any representations made on behalf of any class of persons (including the
employees of any society concerned) who allege that they are adversely
affected by the amalgamation or transfer, and may require as a condition of
his sanction that the terms of the amalgamation or transfer shall be modified
in such manner as he considers just.

(2) The said sections 70 and 71, as so modified, shall apply to the transfer
by a collecting society of its engagements to an industrial assurance company
as if, in subsection (2) of the said section 70, for the words "any other
registered society" there were substituted the words "an industrial assurance
company"; and section 72 of the Friendly Societies Act, so far as it enables a
registered friendly society to tranfer its engagements to a company, shall not
apply to a collecting society.

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