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Northern Irish Legislation

You are here:  BAILII >> Databases >> Northern Irish Legislation >> INDUSTRIAL ASSURANCE (NORTHERN IRELAND) ORDER 1979

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25.(1) At least one general meeting of every collecting society and industrial
assurance company shall be held in every year.

(2) Except where the day, hour and place of an annual or other periodical
meeting is fixed by the rules, notice of every general meeting shall either be
given by the society or company to the members by advertisement to be
published at least twice in two or more of the newspapers in general
circulation in every county where the collecting society or industrial
assurance company carries on business, or be served upon every member.

(3) The notice shall specify the day, hour and place, and objects of the
meeting, and, in case any amendment of a rule is intended to be proposed,
shall contain a copy of every such amendment.

(4) The collecting society or industrial assurance company shall publish the
last of such advertisements, or serve the notice, at least 14 days before the
day appointed for the meeting, and shall, during those 14 days, keep a copy of
the notice in legible characters affixed in some conspicuous place in or
outside every office at which the business of the society or company is
carried on.

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