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Northern Irish Legislation

You are here:  BAILII >> Databases >> Northern Irish Legislation >> HARBOURS, DOCKS, AND PIERS CLAUSES ACT 1847

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Penalties for offences.

71. Every person who shall commit any of the acts following shall be deemed
guilty of an offence, and shall for every such offence be liable to a penalty
not exceeding [#50]; (that is to say,) <1.Every person who shall boil or heat any pitch, tar, resin, turpentine, oil, or other combustible matter, in any vessel lying within the harbour or dock, or near the pier, or in any place within the limits of the harbour, dock, or pier, except in such place and in such manner as shall be specially appointed by the undertakers for that purpose:<2.Every person who shall have or cause to be had any fire or lighted candle or lamp in any vessel within the harbour or dock, or at or near the pier, except with the permission of the harbour master:<3.Every person who shall have or cause to be had any fire, candle, or lamp lighted within any of the docks or the works belonging to the same, except at such times and in such manner as shall be permitted by the byelaws of the undertakers:<4.Every person who shall bring any loaded gun on the quays or works of the harbour or dock, or on the pier, or shall have or suffer to remain any loaded gun in any vessel in the harbour or dock, or at or near the pier:<5.Every person who shall, without the permission of the undertakers, bring or suffer to remain any gunpowder on the quays or works of the harbour or within the dock, or on the pier, or in any vessel within the harbour or dock, or at or near the pier.

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