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Power of harbour authorities to acquire a harbour business or shares in a harbour business.

24.(1) Subject to subsection (3), a harbour authority may acquire by agreement
any business or undertaking which consists wholly or mainly of the carrying
out of harbour operations or of the provision, maintenance or operation of any
such depot as is mentioned in section 23 or so much of any business or
undertaking as consists of the carrying out of such operations or of the
provision, maintenance or operation of any such depot.

(2) Subject to subsection (3), a harbour authority may subscribe for or
acquire any securities of a body corporate which is wholly or mainly engaged
or which it is proposed should become wholly or mainly engaged in carrying out
harbour operations or in providing, maintaining or operating any such depot.

(3) A harbour authority shall not by virtue of this section acquire a business
or undertaking which consists of or includes the provision, maintenance or
operation of any such depot, or subscribe for or acquire any securities of a
body corporate which is engaged or which it is proposed should become engaged
in providing, maintaining or operating any such depot, without the consent of
the Ministry.

(4) In this section "securities", in relation to a body corporate, means any
shares, stock, debentures, debenture stock, and any other security of a like
nature, of the body corporate.

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