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35.(1) In this Act

"authorised officer" has the meaning assigned to it by section 24(1);

["Community grading rules" means any directly applicable Community provisions
establishing standards of quality for fresh horticultural produce;]

["certificate" includes any document other than a label which accompanies any
produce and which contains information relating to the standard of quality to
which it refers;

"standards of quality" means in relation to produce a common standard imposed
by Community grading rules relating to quality, size and packaging;

"freight container" means any returnable container especially designed for the
carriage of freight in transport.]

"container" means a can, bottle, carton or other vessel or receptacle used in
the processing of horticultural produce or in which
processed horticultural produce is packed;

"label" includes any device for conveying information by written characters or
other symbols, and any characters or symbols stamped or otherwise placed
directly on to a package or container or, as the case may be, the produce, and
references to the affixing of a label shall be construed accordingly;

"the Ministry" has the meaning assigned to it by section 1(1);

"package" includes any wrapper, bag, basket, pail, punnet, tray, case, carton,
parcel, cask, box, crate or other receptacle;

"premises" includes any stall;

"prescribed" means prescribed by regulations made by the Ministry;

"processed horticultural produce" means horticultural produce to which Part II
applies which has been processed (within the meaning of that Part) in Northern

(2) In sections 24 to 30 "horticultural produce" means produce being

(a)regulated fresh produce within the meaning of Part I;

(b)processed horticultural produce;

(c)horticultural produce of any description to which Part III applies.

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