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Power of authorised officer to regrade produce.

26. Where, in or upon any premises, place, vessel, aircraft or vehicle which
he has a right to enter under section 24, an authorised officer finds any
horticultural produce, being produce of a description for which grades of
quality are defined under any provision of this Act,

[(a)which has affixed to it a label or which is accompanied by a certificate
which is in the form prescribed for any produce under section 1 or 20, for any
grade designated or defined under section 1 or 13(a) as the case may be or is
in a container or package or freight container to which such a label is
affixed or which is accompanied by a certificate, but

(b)which he has reasonable cause to believe to be of a quality inferior to the
quality required for that grade,

(i)in such manner as may be prescribed, cancel that label or certificate and
affix to the produce or to the container or package or freight container a
label in such form as may be prescribed, indicating what appears to him to be
the correct grade or, where it appears to him that the quality of the produce
is inferior to that required for the lowest grade defined for produce of that
description indicating that fact; or]

(ii)require any person who has custody or possession of the produce, or
authorise any other person, to do in the like manner anything referred to in
paragraph (i).

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