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Power to give directions as to horticultural produce in transit.

25.(1) Where an inspection of horticultural produce of any description is made
under this Act whilst the produce is in transit and an authorised officer is
satisfied that the produce does not conform to any standard of quality
prescribed under this Act for produce of that description, or is not graded,
packed and labelled in the manner so prescribed, the Ministry or the
authorised officer may direct that the produce shall be returned to the
consignor at the place from which it was consigned or, if the Ministry or the
authorised officer approves, at such other place within Northern Ireland as
the consignor may elect, and thereupon the carrier or the consignor, as the
case may require, shall, at the expense of the consignor, proceed to execute
such direction with all reasonable speed.

(2) Nothing in this section shall be construed as authorising anything to be
done to the prejudice of any powers of a carrier to secure payment of freight
charges in respect of any consignment carried by him.

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