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Offences under Part II.

14.(1) A person shall be guilty of an offence if

(a)either by himself or by any servant or agent of his he processes any
horticultural produce in contravention of section 11 or in breach of any
condition of a licence issued to him under this Part; or

(b)in connection with an application for, or the issue of, a licence under
this Part he knowingly or recklessly makes any statement or furnishes any
information which is false in a material particular or in any material respect
misleading; or

(c)he fraudulently alters or uses, or causes or permits to be fraudulently
altered or used, any licence or other document issued under this Part or any
mark or indication prescribed under or used for the purposes of this Part.

(2) A person shall be guilty of an offence if he contravenes any regulation
made under section 13(b) or (c).

(3) A person shall be guilty of an offence if whether by affixing to or
embossing on the container of any processed produce an incorrect mark, or in
any other manner, he wilfully makes any misrepresentation as to the date on
which the produce was processed or the nature of the produce.

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