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Northern Irish Legislation

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Ship, &c. damaging any canal or found sunk therein may be detained with goods on board until expences of raising, &c. and repairing damages shall be paid;

5. If any ship, boat, lighter, barge, or vessel shall in any manner damage,
injure, or destroy any part of any canal or navigation, or off-branch thereof,
or be found sunk in any canal or navigation now vested or which at any time
hereafter shall be vested in the said directors, or in any off-branch or
supply-cut of the same, it shall and may be lawful to and for the said
directors, and their officers and servants, to detain every such ship, boat,
lighter, barge, and vessel; and to keep and detain the same, and all goods,
wares, merchandizes, commodities found on board the same, until the reasonable
costs and expences of weighing and raising the same respectively, and of
repairing the damage which the said canal or navigation or off-branch or
supply-cut may have sustained thereby, shall be paid and satisfied to the
collector of tolls to the said directors; and in case any dispute or
difference shall arise touching the amount of the said costs and expences,
then until such sum of money as any one of His Majesty's justices of the peace
for the county in which the said ship, boat, lighter, barge, or vessel shall
be detained, shall, under his hand and seal, award and adjudge to be paid for
such costs and expences, shall be paid and satisfied to the said collector.

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