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Northern Irish Legislation

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No rafts or timber not on board ship to be navigated on canals without permission of directors, under pain of forfeiture.

4. No person or persons shall, on any pretence whatsoever, float, navigate, or
put any raft of timber, planks, board or boards, or any log or logs of timber,
or beam or beams, plank or planks, or board or boards, not being on board a
ship, boat, lighter, barge, or vessel, in or upon any canal or navigation, now
vested or which shall hereafter be vested in the said directors, or any
off-branch thereof, without the permission of the said directors for that
purpose first had and obtained in writing; and every raft, log, or piece of
timber, plank, beam, and board, which shall at any time hereafter be floated,
navigated, or put in or upon any such canal or navigation or any off-branch
thereof, not being on board a ship, boat, lighter, barge, or vessel, without
such permission as aforesaid, shall be forfeited and become the property of
the said directors general, to be by them applied or disposed of for the use
of such navigation; and it shall and may be lawful to and for the said
directors and their servants to seize and take the same to and for the use of
the said directors, to be applied or disposed of as aforesaid.

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