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Northern Irish Legislation

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Saving as to rights of corporations.

28. Provided always, that nothing in this Act contained shall extend or be
construed to extend to prejudice, diminish, abridge, alter, or take away any
right of property, privilege, or jurisdiction, or any powers of conservancy,
held, possessed, used, exercised, or enjoyed by any body corporate or politic,
... or any person or persons whatsoever, in, to, upon, or over any of the
ports, harbours, havens, roads, roadsteads, sounds, channels, creeks, bays, or
navigable rivers of the United Kingdom, or to the banks, shores, or sides
thereof; or to repeal any of the provisions contained in any Act or Acts of
Parliament which may have been passed for the regulation of any river, port,
or harbour in the United Kingdom, or the shipping frequenting the same, except
such Acts and provisions as are expressly repealed by this present Act; but
that such respective rights of property, privileges, jurisdictions, and powers
of conservancy shall be respectively and exclusively enjoyed in as full,
ample, and beneficial a manner in every respect to all intents and purposes as
if this Act had never been made; any thing herein contained to the contrary

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