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Northern Irish Legislation

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Commissioners of the navy and justices of the peace may execute this Act beyond the limits of their jurisdiction.

22. And whereas divers ports, harbours, havens, roads, roadsteads, sounds,
channels, creeks, bays, and navigable rivers in this kingdom do lie partly in
one county and partly in another, and partly or in the whole out of the body
of any county of this realm; by reason whereof doubts may arise as to the
jurisdiction of any commissioner of the navy or justice of the peace touching
any offence or offences which may be committed contrary to this Act: it shall
be lawful for any commissioner of the navy residing at or near to any port,
harbour, or haven, or any part thereof, or for any justice of the peace, for
any county, city, or borough, acting in and for any district or place next
adjoining to any such port, harbour, haven, road, roadstead, sound, channel,
creek, bay, or navigable river, or any member of any of them, where any such
offence or offences may be committed, to proceed in the execution of this Act,
and of all the powers and authorities thereof, herein and hereby given to
commissioners of the navy and justices of the peace, in such and the same
manner, and as fully and effectually to all intents and purposes, as if such
offence or offences had been committed locally within the limits of the
jurisdiction of such commissioner of the navy or justice of the peace,
although the same may have been committed out of the limits of the
jurisdiction of such commissioner or justice, or out of the body of any county
of this realm.

S.23 rep. by SLR 1953; SL(R) 1976. S.24 rep. by SLR 1953. S.25 rep. by 1946
c.13 (NI) s.16(3) sch.

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