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Northern Irish Legislation

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The continuance of any offence against bye laws shall constitute a separate offence.

2. If any nuisance or impediment to any navigation, or any other offence
against or breach of any rule, order, regulation, or bye law, made or to be
made as aforesaid, shall be continued, or shall not be abated, removed, or
discontinued, after notice in writing signed by the said directors or by any
of their officers shall have been served on or left at the usual place or
places of abode of the person or persons so continuing such nuisance,
impediment, offence, or breach, requiring him, her, or them to discontinue the
same, every such continuation shall be deemed and taken to be a separate and
distinct offence within the meaning of this Act; and it shall and may be
lawful to and for the said directors to impose and inflict a fine, penalty, or
forfeiture for each and every such continuation.

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