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Tarpaulins to be used in taking in and discharging ballast, under penalty of #5.

15. And in the taking of ballast into any ship or vessel, lighter, barge,
boat, or other craft, and also in the discharging of the same from any ship or
vessel into any lighter, boat, barge, or other craft, every such ship or
vessel, lighter, barge, boat, or other craft shall be provided with and shall
make use of one or more tarpaulin or tarpaulins properly stretched and spread,
in order to prevent such ballast or any part thereof from falling into the
sea, or into any harbour, haven, or navigable river; and in case any person or
persons shall either take any ballast into any ship or vessel, lighter, barge,
boat, or other craft, or shall discharge the same from any ship or vessel into
any lighter, barge, boat, or other craft, without using such sufficient
tarpaulin or tarpaulins, properly stretched and spread in order to prevent
such ballast or any part thereof from falling into the sea, or into any such
harbour, haven, or navigable river, all and every person and persons offending
therein shall for every such offence forfeit and pay the sum of five pounds.

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