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Northern Irish Legislation

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Penalty on persons taking ballast or shingle from the shore of harbours, when prohibited by order of the Admiralty.

14. And, in order to prevent damage being done to the shores or banks of the
ports, harbours, or havens in this kingdom, no person or persons shall take
any ballast or shingle from the shores or banks or any portion of the shores
or banks of any port, harbour, or haven of this kingdom, from which the
commissioners for executing the office of lord high admiral of the United
Kingdom for the time being shall find it necessary for the protection of such
port, harbour, or haven, or the works thereof, by order under their hands, or
the hands of any three of them, or the hands of his or their secretary, and
published in the London Gazette, shall prohibit the taking or removing of such
shingle or ballast, upon pain of forfeiting for every such offence the sum of
ten pounds.

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