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Manner in which ships may unlade ballast, rubbish, &c.

12. And, for the more effectually preventing such injuries, no ship or vessel,
lighter, barge, boat, or craft whatsoever shall unlade on any part of the
shore (except on some wharf properly constructed for the purpose) any ballast,
stone, slate, gravel, earth, rubbish, wreck, or filth, except at the time of
high water, or within two hours before or two hours after high water; and that
for every such purpose every such ship or vessel, lighter, barge, boat, or
craft shall approach the shore as far as the tide and the draught of water of
such ship, vessel, lighter, barge, boat, or craft will admit, and shall under
no circumstances, and in no situation, deposit any of the said matters below
low water mark at neap tides; and that every vessel drawing above eleven feet
of water at the stern shall unlade all such materials into some lighter,
barge, or boat, as herein-before directed, in order that the same may be
conveyed as near the shore as possible at the time of high water as
herein-before directed.

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