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Northern Irish Legislation

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Directors may make bye laws for regulating canals and the passage of vessels thereon, &c.;

1.] It shall and may be lawful for the said directors, and they are hereby
authorized and empowered from time to time, and at any place, to make such
rules, orders, regulations, and bye laws, as to them shall seem meet and
proper, for regulating the conduct of all officers, workmen, and servants to
be employed by them, and for the well and orderly using and preserving the
several canals and navigations and off-branches thereof, which now are or at
any time hereafter shall be vested in them, and the banks, basins, reservoirs,
tunnels, locks, sluices, aqueducts, and all other works thereto belonging, and
for regulating the passing and repassing of all ships, boats, barges,
lighters, and other vessels, and the conveying of all goods, wares,
merchandizes, and commodities which shall be navigated or conveyed thereon,
and for the orderly behaviour of all seamen, boatmen, watermen, bargemen, and
others, who shall navigate such ships, boats, barges, lighters, and other
vessels, upon any of the said canals or navigations, or any off-branch
thereof, or who shall be employed in carrying or conveying any goods, wares,
merchandizes, or commodities thereon, and for the superintendence and
management of the said canals and navigations, and the off-branches thereof
respectively, in all other respects whatsoever; and from time to time, and at
any place, to alter or repeal all or any of the rules, orders, regulations,
and bye laws now in force, or to be hereafter made respecting the same, or any
of them, and to make others; and to impose and inflict such reasonable fines
and forfeitures upon all persons offending against such rules, orders,
regulations, and bye laws, or any of them, not exceeding the sum of five
pounds for any one offence, as to the said directors shall seem meet and
expedient; and all rules, orders, regulations, and bye laws, so to be made as
aforesaid, shall be reduced into writing, and shall be submitted for the
approbation of the lord lieutenant; and when such approbation shall be
signified, all such rules, orders, regulations, and bye laws shall be entered
in the books or minutes of the said directors, and shall be binding upon and
be observed by all persons using or in anywise concerned or employed in or
about the said canals or navigations, or any of them, or any off-branch of any
of them; and shall be sufficient in any court of law or equity to justify all
persons who shall act under the same: Provided always, that such rules,
orders, regulations, and bye laws be not contrary to the laws of Ireland: And
provided also, that such rules, orders, regulations, and bye laws shall be
published at least three times in the [Belfast Gazette], and also in some
country newspaper respectively, if any such country newspaper shall be
published in any county or town through which such canals or navigations, or
any off-branch or part thereof, shall have been made or carried; and if no
newspaper be published in any county through which the said canals or
navigations, or any off-branch or part thereof, shall have been made or
carried, then the same shall be published in the [Belfast Gazette] alone as

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