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Northern Irish Legislation

You are here:  BAILII >> Databases >> Northern Irish Legislation >> GAME TRESPASS ACT 1864

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Penalty for trespass on land in pursuit of game.

1. Where the landlord or lessor of any land has reserved to himself, by any
deed or writing, the exclusive right to the game on such land, then such
landlord or lessor, for the purpose of prosecuting all persons for trespassing
in pursuit of game on such land without his consent, shall be deemed the legal
occupier of the said land; and any person who shall enter or be upon the said
land in search of or in pursuit of game without the consent of such landlord
or lessor shall be deemed a trespasser, and shall on conviction thereof before
one or more justices of the peace sitting in petty sessions forfeit and pay
such sum, not exceeding [#50], together with the costs, as the said justice or
justices shall think fit; and such penalty and costs shall be recovered and
levied in the same mode and with the same power of appeal as are provided for
the recovering and levying of any penalties under the
Petty Sessions (Ireland) Act, 1851, and the Petty Sessions Clerk (Ireland)
Act, 1858, and as if the provisions of the said Acts relating to the recovery
of penalties were herein expressly repeated.

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