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Prohibition of the use of traps, etc.

7D.(1) Subject to the succeeding provisions of this section, it shall not be
lawful for any person

(a)to kill or take any game by means of any trap, snare or net;

(b)to set in any place any trap, snare or net for killing or taking game;

(c)to set any trap, snare or net in any place frequented by game;

(d)to set elsewhere than in a rabbit-hole any spring trap for the taking of
rabbits; or

(e)to employ for the killing of rabbits poison other than hydrogen cyanide or
any gas issuing from the exhaust pipe of an internal combustion engine.

(2) Nothing in the preceding sub-section shall render unlawful the setting by
an occupier of land of snares or nets or, subject to the provisions of
paragraph (d) of that sub-section, of traps for the taking of rabbits on the
land occupied by him.

(3) The owner or occupier of any land who is desirous of taking alive thereon
by means of nets pheasants, partridge or hares for the purpose only of
increasing the number or improving the quality of the pheasants, partridge or
hares on such land, may apply in writing to the district inspector of the
Royal Ulster Constabulary for the district wherein such land is situate; and
such district inspector, if satisfied that any game so taken is intended to be
used for that purpose only, may in writing under his hand authorise such owner
or occupier so to take such pheasants, partridge or hares, at any time subject
to such conditions as may be specified in the authority; and the taking of
game under and in accordance with the conditions of such an authority shall
not be deemed to be a contravention of sub-section (1) of this section.

(4) An officer, member or agent of a coursing club desirous of taking hares
alive by means of nets for the purposes of the club, and authorised in writing
in that behalf, may apply in writing to a district inspector of the Royal
Ulster Constabulary and such district inspector, if satisfied that any hares
so taken are intended to be used by that club for those purposes only, may in
writing under his hand authorise such officer, member or agent so to take
hares, at any time except during the close season, within the district in
which such district inspector has authority, subject to such conditions as may
be specified in the authority; and the taking of hares under and in accordance
with the conditions of any such authority shall not be a contravention of
sub-section (1) of this section.

(5) Any person who acts in contravention of any of the provisions of this
section shall be guilty of an offence under this Act.][

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