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Northern Irish Legislation

You are here:  BAILII >> Databases >> Northern Irish Legislation >> GAME PRESERVATION ACT (NORTHERN IRELAND) 1928

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Powers of Constabulary to demand production of game licences, search for game, and enter upon lands.

2.(1) If any officer or constable has reasonable ground to suspect that any
person is or has been unlawfully in pursuit of any game.... such officer or
constable may demand from such person the production of a [licence] to take or
kill game granted to such person....

(2) If any such person fails to produce such [licence] to take or kill game,
and permit such officer or constable to read the same, it shall be lawful for
such officer or constable to require such person to declare to him immediately
his name and place of residence, and to search such person and any game bag,
package, vehicle, or other thing, which is capable of being used by such
person for the carrying of game, and to search any premises on which such
person shall be found; and if such person refuses to declare his name and
place of residence as aforesaid, or gives a false or fictitious name or place
of residence, or if such person refuses to allow such officer or constable to
make the aforesaid search, he shall, in addition to any other punishment to
which he may be subject, be guilty of an offence under this Act.

It shall be lawful for such officer or constable to arrest such person so
refusing, and to convey him before any justice of the peace having
jurisdiction at the place where the offence has been committed, and such
justice may hold the person so arrested to bail, with one or more sufficient
sureties, at the discretion of the justice, to appear before the next court of
summary jurisdiction to be held for the district within which such offence has
been committed: Provided that if any person so arrested and detained is
unwilling or unable to give such bail as aforesaid, the justice before whom he
is brought may commit him to gaol by warrant to be imprisoned by the keeper of
the gaol until the next court of summary jurisdiction to be held for the
district within which such offence has been committed, or until such person
gives such bail as aforesaid (whichever shall first happen), and the said
keeper shall, if bail has not been so given, bring such person before the said
court of summary jurisdiction.

(3) It shall be lawful for any officer or constable to enter (if need be, by
force), and remain so long as may be necessary, upon any lands or premises for
the purpose of making the demand or search referred to in this section.

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