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5. It shall be lawful for Her Majesty in Council from time to time, by Order
in Council, to appoint such pensions as seem fit to officers, [warrant
officers], non-commissioned officers, and men of the Royal Navy and marines,
and seamen of the merchant service for the time being entitled to the benefits
of Greenwich Hospital, to be enjoyed by them so long only as they are not on
the establishment or inmates of Greenwich Hospital, but in addition to any
..., pension, or other allowance coming to them otherwise than under any such
Order in Council,and to prescribe the conditions on which such pensions are to
be held,and to appoint such gratuities as seem fit to widows of [warrant
officers], non-commissioned officers and men of the Royal Navy and marines
killed or drowned in the service of the Crown.

S.6 (allowances to present inmates of Greenwich Hospital ceasing to be such)
rep. by 1869 c.44 s.2 sch.

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