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GAME ACT 1831 - SECT 4

Penalty on dealers in game buying, selling or possessing birds or game after expiration of season for killing, and on other persons buying or selling birds or possessing them.

4. If any person licensed to deal in game ... shall buy or sell, or knowingly
have in his house, shop, stall, possession, or control, any bird of game
[after the expiration of five days] from the respective days in each year on
which it shall become unlawful to kill or take such birds of game respectively
as aforesaid; or if any person, not being licensed to deal in game ... shall
buy or sell any bird of game [after the expiration of five days] from the
respective days in each year on which it shall become unlawful to kill or take
such birds of game respectively as aforesaid, ... every such person shall, on
conviction of any such offence before two justices of the peace, forfeit and
pay for every head of game so bought or sold, or found in his house, shop,
possession, or control, such sum of money, not exceeding one pound, as to the
convicting justices shall seem meet, together with the costs of the

Ss.1722 rep. by 1860 c.90 s.1; 1953 c.24 (NI) s.80 sch.4

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