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Northern Irish Legislation

You are here:  BAILII >> Databases >> Northern Irish Legislation >> FIRE SERVICES ACT (NORTHERN IRELAND) 1969

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Annual Report.

22.(1) Subject to subsection (2), the Authority may, by way of temporary loan
or overdraft from a bank or otherwise, borrow any sums which it may
temporarily require for the purposes of defraying expenses pending the receipt
of moneys receivable by the Authority.

(2) The total amount for the time being outstanding on foot of borrowings by
the Authority under subsection (1) shall not exceed such sum as the Ministry,
with the approval of the Ministry of Finance, may specify to the Authority in
writing and all sums borrowed by the Authority under subsection (1) shall be
repaid before the expiration of the financial year in which they are borrowed.

(3) With the prior consent of the Ministry given with the approval of
the Ministry of Finance, the Authority may, on such terms and subject to such
conditions as those Ministries may approve, borrow or raise money upon the
security of any property or assets of the Authority for all or any of the
following purposes:

(a)meeting expenses incurred in connection with any permanent work the cost of
which is properly chargeable to capital;

(b)redeeming any loan previously borrowed or raised under this subsection;

(c)any other purpose for which capital moneys may properly be applied.][

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