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Northern Irish Legislation

You are here:  BAILII >> Databases >> Northern Irish Legislation >> FIRE SERVICES ACT (NORTHERN IRELAND) 1969

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2.(1) It shall be the duty of [the fire authority] to make provision for
[fire-fighting purposes] and the protection of life and property in case of
fire by securing

(a)the services ... of ... such fire brigade or fire brigades, as may be
necessary to meet efficiently all normal requirements;

(b)the efficient training of firemen;

(c)efficient arrangements for enabling persons to call the fire brigade in
cases of fire, for summoning the members of the fire brigade and for manning
the fire engines and appliances; and

(d)without prejudice to its powers under or by virtue of any enactment,
efficient arrangements for obtaining, by inspection or otherwise, information
required for the purposes of its functions with respect to the character of
the buildings and other property..., the available water supplies and the
means of access thereto, and other material local circumstances;

(2) [The fire authority] may secure local fire services ... by itself
providing and maintaining, either wholly or in part, such fire services or by
making arrangements for the provision and maintenance, either wholly or in
part, of such fire services by other persons.

(3) [Section 98 of the Local Government Act (Northern Ireland) 1972 (entry on
land)], as applied to [the fire authority] and its officers by section 36,
shall have effect as if among the purposes therein specified there were
included the purpose of carrying out such arrangements as are mentioned in
subsection (1)(d).

(4) The Ministry may prescribe the minimum provision to be made by the
Authority with respect to any of the matters referred to in paragraphs (a),(b)
and (c) of subsection (1) or to such other matters as the Ministry may from
time to time consider necessary for the purposes of this Act and a minimum so
prescribed is in this Act referred to as "standard fire provision".

(5) The Ministry may prescribe such requirements with respect to uniformity of
appliances, equipment and fire-hydrants to be provided by the Authority for
the purposes of this Act as appear to the Ministry to be necessary for
securing efficient fire services and in particular the rendering of efficient
mutual assistance by fire brigades, and it shall be the duty of the Authority
to comply with such requirements.

[(6) The Authority shall secure efficient arrangements for the giving, when
requested, of advice in respect of buildings and other property as to fire
prevention, restricting the spread of fires and means of escape in case of

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