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1972 c.9

18.(1) Subject to the provisions of this section the Authority may

(a)make payments towards

(i)expenditure reasonably incurred by a member or officer of the Authority in
respect of attendance at any conference or meeting held for the purpose of
discussing any matter connected with the discharge of the functions of the
Authority and convened by any body or association for the time being
recognised by the Ministry for the purposes of this section;

(ii)any reasonable expenses incurred in purchasing reports of the proceedings
of any such conference or meeting;

(b)pay any reasonable subscriptions, whether annual or otherwise, to the funds
of any scientific, technical or professional association or body of persons
(whether corporate or unincorporate) which carries on activities otherwise
than for purposes of gain by the association or body or by individual members
thereof and the objects of which are ancillary to any of the functions of the
Authority; and

(c)defray, in whole or in part, the reasonable expenses incurred in the
reception or entertainment of distinguished persons residing in or visiting
the area of the Authority or in providing public entertainment on the occasion
of or in connection with a public ceremony or rejoicing.

(2) The payments which the Authority may make under subsection (1)(a)(i)
towards expenditure on travelling or subsistence incurred by a member or
officer of the Authority shall be at rates to be determined by the Authority
but not exceeding those prescribed under [section 36 of the Local Government
Act (Northern Ireland) 1972].

(3) Payments made under subsection (1) by the Authority in any financial year
shall not, except with the consent of the Ministry, exceed in the aggregate
two hundred and fifty pounds.[

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