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Northern Irish Legislation

You are here:  BAILII >> Databases >> Northern Irish Legislation >> FAMILY INCOME SUPPLEMENTS ACT (NORTHERN IRELAND) 1971

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Amount of family income supplement.

3.[(1) Subject to the following provisions of this section, the weekly rate of
a family income supplement shall be one half of the difference between the
amounts mentioned in section 1(2) but shall not in any case exceed such amount
as may be specified by regulations.

(1A) Different amounts may be so specified according to the number of children
included in a family and no amount so specified shall be less than the
existing maximum minus an amount equal to the weekly rate of child benefit for
the time being in force or, if different weekly rates of child benefit are in
force, the lower or lowest of them.

In this subsection "the existing maximum" means the amount which immediately
before the appointed day for the purposes of the Child Benefit (Northern
Ireland) Order 1975 was the maximum weekly rate of a family income supplement
in the case of a family which includes only one child.]

(2) Where the weekly rate would be #0.10 or less the family income supplement
shall not be payable.

(3) Where the weekly rate exceeds #0.10 but would not be a multiple of #0.10
it shall be increased to the nearest multiple.

(4) Regulations may vary the proportion ... for the time being specified in
this section.

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