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Northern Irish Legislation

You are here:  BAILII >> Databases >> Northern Irish Legislation >> FINES AND RECOVERIES (IRELAND) ACT 1834

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Fines made valid without amendment in certain cases.

4. If it shall be apparent, from the deed declaring the uses of any fine
already levied or hereafter to be levied, that there is in the indentures,
record, or any of the proceedings, of such fine any error in the name of the
conusor of conusee of such fine, or any misdescription or omission of lands
intended to have been passed by such fine, then and in every such case the
fine, without any amendment of the indentures, record, or proceedings in which
such error, misdescription, or omission shall have occurred, shall be as good
and valid as the same would have been, and shall be held to have passed all
the lands intended to have been passed thereby, in the same manner as it would
have done if there had been no such error, misdescription, or omission.

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