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Northern Irish Legislation

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Where, in the disposition of a reversion before 31st October, 1834, the person to make the tenant to the writ of entry in a recovery shall be the protector.

28. Provided always, that where any person having, either already or before
the thirty-first day of October one thousand eight hundred and thirty-four,
either for valuable consideration or not, disposed of, either absolutely or
otherwise, a remainder or reversion in fee in any lands, or created any estate
out of such remainder or reversion, would under this Act, if this clause had
not been inserted, have been the protector of the settlement by which the
lands were entailed in which such remainder or reversion may be subsisting,
and thereby be enabled to concur in the barring of such remainder or
reversion, which he could not have done if he had not become such protector,
then and in every such case the person who, if this Act had not been passed,
would have been the proper person to have made the tenant to the writ of entry
or other writ for suffering a common recovery of such lands, shall, during the
continuance of the estate which conferred the right to make the tenant to such
writ of entry or other writ, be the protector of such settlement.

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