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Northern Irish Legislation

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Power to dispose of estates in lands not being vested estates.

22. From and after the thirty-first day of October one thousand eight hundred
and thirty-four it shall be lawful for any person, either before or after he
shall become entitled in any manner, except an expectant heir of a living
person, or as expectant heir of the body of a living person, to an estate in
lands, not being a vested estate, and whether he be or be not ascertained as
the person or one of the persons in whom the same may become vested, to
dispose of such lands for the whole or any part of such estate therein by any
assurance, whether deed, will, or any other instrument by which he could have
made such disposition if such estate were a vested estate in possession:
Provided nevertheless, that no such disposition shall be valid or have any
effect where the person making the same shall not at the time of the
disposition have become entitled to such estate, unless the deed, will, or
other instrument by virtue of which he may become entitled be existing and in
operation at the time of the disposition.

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