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Northern Irish Legislation

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Power, after the 31st of October, 1834, to enlarge base fees; saving the rights of certain persons.

16. After the thirty-first day of October one thousand eight hundred and
thirty-four, in every case in which an estate tail in any lands shall have
been barred and converted into a base fee, either before or on or after that
day, the person who if such estate tail had not been barred would have been
actual tenant in tail of the same lands shall have full power to dispose of
such lands as against all persons whose estates are to take effect after the
determination or in defeasance of the base fee into which the estate tail
shall have been converted, so as to enlarge the base fee into a fee simple
absolute, including the King's most excellent Majesty, as regards the title of
His Majesty to any reversion or remainder created or reserved by any
settlement or will, and which reversion or remainder shall have come or shall
hereafter come to the crown in consequence of the attainder of any person to
whom the forfeited reversion or remainder was previously to such forfeiture
limited by any settlement or will, but not in any other case, or where the
title to the crown shall have accrued by any other means; saving always the
rights of all persons in respect of estates prior to the estate tail which
shall have been converted into a base fee, and the rights of all other
persons, except those against whom such disposition is by this Act authorized
to be made: Provided always, that nothing in this Act contained shall
authorize any tenant in tail or other person to defeat or bar any estate or
interest which may at the time of passing this Act have been granted to any
person or persons by His Majesty, or any of his predecessors, in any reversion
or remainder which may have come to the crown by attainder or otherwise.

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