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7.Subs.(1)(3) rep. by 1963 c.22 (NI) s.21 sch.3 Pt.II

(4) References in this section to an instrument being certified at a
particular amount mean that it contains a statement certifying that the
transaction effected by the instrument does not form part of a larger
transaction or series of transactions in respect of which the amount or value,
or aggregate amount or value, of the consideration exceeds that amount; and
for this purpose

(a)any sale or contract or agreement for the sale of goods, wares or
merchandise shall be disregarded in the case either

(i)of an instrument chargeable under the said heading "Conveyance or Transfer
on sale", other than an actual conveyance or transfer of the goods, wares or
merchandise (with or without other property); or

(ii)of an instrument chargeable by reference to that heading under section
fifty-nine of the Stamp Act, 1891 (which makes a contract or agreement for
sale of certain property chargeable with duty as if it were an actual
conveyance on sale); and

(b)any such statement as aforesaid shall be construed as leaving out of
account any matter which in accordance with paragraph (a) is to be

Subs.(5)(10) rep. by 1963 c.22 (NI) s.21 sch.3 Pt.II

S.14, with Second Schedule, effects repeals.

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