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Further powers of Ministry.

3.(1) The Ministry may

(a)manage, plant and otherwise utilise for purposes connected with forestry
any land acquired by the Ministry;

(b)purchase or otherwise acquire standing timber, and sell or otherwise
dispose of any timber belonging to the Ministry or, on such terms as may be
agreed upon, to any other person, and generally promote the supply, sale,
utilisation and conversion of timber;

(c)undertake or give assistance or advice in relation to, on such terms and
conditions as may be agreed upon, the clearing, drainage, fencing, planting or
replanting, maintenance, utilisation, management or supervision of any wood or
forest or any land suitable for forestry;

(d)make or assist in the making of such inquiries, experiments and research as
the Ministry may think desirable for the purpose of promoting forestry and the
teaching of forestry, and publish or assist in the publication of or otherwise
make known the result of such inquiries, experiments or research;

(e)collect or assist in the collection of, disseminate or assist in the
dissemination of, information which the Ministry may think important for the
purpose of promoting forestry and the teaching of forestry, or which is, in
the opinion of the Ministry, likely to arouse, stimulate or increase public
interest in forestry or woodland industries:

(f)undertake the collection, preparation, publication and distribution of
statistics relating to forestry or to any wood or forest or land suitable for

(g)make or assist in the making of such inquiries as the Ministry may think
necessary for the purpose of securing an adequate supply of timber, or of
promoting the sale, utilisation or conversion of timber, or of fostering the
establishment or extension of woodland industries.

(2) Where the Ministry requests any person to furnish or permit the collection
of any information or statistics relating to any of the matters referred to in
paragraphs (f) and (g) of sub-section (1) of this section, and that person

(a)fails to comply with the request of the Ministry, he shall, unless he
proves that he had a reasonable excuse for his failure, be guilty of an

(b)in purported compliance with the request of the Ministry, knowingly or
recklessly makes a statement or gives information which is false in a material
particular, he shall, without prejudice to his liability under any other
enactment, be guilty of an offence.

(3) Any person who is guilty of an offence under this section shall be liable
on summary conviction thereof to a fine not exceeding ten pounds.

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