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Effect of non-compliance with stamp laws in certain cases.

2. Notwithstanding any enactment to the contrary, a bill of exchange which is
presented for acceptance, or accepted, or payable, outside the United Kingdom
shall not be invalid by reason only that it is not stamped in accordance with
the law for the time being in force relating to stamp duties payable in
Northern Ireland, and any such bill of exchange which is unstamped or not
properly stamped may be received in evidence on payment of the proper duty and
penalties as provided by section fourteen and sub-section (1) of section
fifteen of the Stamp Act, 1891.

S.3 rep. by SLR (NI) 1952. S.4 rep. by 1939 c.23 (NI) s.12 sch.2. S.5Death
Duties. S.6 rep. by 1954 c.33 (NI) s.48(1) sch.; SLR 1980

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