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Northern Irish Legislation

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An Act to grant certain duties of Customs and Inland Revenue (including
Excise), to alter other duties, and to amend the Law relating to Customs and
Inland Revenue (including Excise), and the National Debt, and to make further
provision in connection with Finance. [4th August 1920] Preamble rep. by SLR

Part I (ss.113) rep. by 1921 c.32 ss.22(2), 65(3) sch.5; 1924 c.21 s.41(4)
sch.3; SLR 1927; 1927 c.10 s.57(6) sch.6 Pt.II; 1945 (9 & 10 Geo.6) c.13 s.11
sch.3 Pt.III; SLR 1950; 1952 c.44 s.320 sch.12 Pt.I; 1954 c.17 (NI) s.28(1)
sch.7; 1964 c.49 s.26 sch.9

S.34 rep. by 1970 c.21 (NI) s.19 sch.3 Pt.III. S.35 rep. by 1949 c.15 (NI)
s.16 sch.4 Pt.II. S.36 rep. by 1958 c.14 (NI) s.14(2) sch.2 Pt.II; SL(R) 1976.
S.37 rep. by SLR 1927; 1970 c.21 (NI) s.19 sch.3 Pt.II; 1974 c.30 s.57 sch.14
Pts.IV, VII. S.38 rep. by 1963 c.22 (NI) s.21 sch.3 Pt.II. S.39 rep. by SLR
1950; 1973 NI18 art.16 sch.4. S.40 rep. by 1959 c.9 (NI) s.17(2) sch.3 Pt.II;
1970 c.21 (NI) s.19 sch.3 Pt.II. S.41 spent

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