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Northern Irish Legislation

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Officer to pay parties to whom portions of fines have been awarded.

6. The manner in which all such penal sums as aforesaid shall be accounted for
shall be as follows: <1.It shall be lawful for the said chief ... secretary to make such general regulations as shall seem expedient for carrying into effect the provisions of this Act , for the better collection of all said sums,
and the regular accounting for the same by all persons into whose hands the
same shall come; and such persons shall keep and render account of said sums
in such forms, and shall pay over said sums, and transmit for examination said
warrant or receipt, at such times and in such manner as shall be directed by
such general regulations, or as shall be at any time specially required by the
said chief ... secretary; and it shall also be lawful for the said chief ...
secretary to make such general regulations as shall seem expedient for the
examination, checking, or countersigning of any of such accounts by any of the
sub-inspectors, inspectors, or other members of the constabulary ...: <2.And to every such account shall be annexed a declaration in writing under the hand of the said officer, to be made before a justice, affirming the truth and accuracy of such account; and every such officer who shall make any such declaration, knowing the said account to be false in any particular, and being thereof convicted, shall, in addition to any penalty to which he may be liable under the provisions of this Act
herein-after contained, be also liable to the penalties of wilful and corrupt
perjury:Mode of enforcing payment of balances or sums.

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