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Northern Irish Legislation

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Copies of intended bye-laws to be sent to chief clerk, &c. and notice given thereof.

92. Provided always that one month at least before such bye laws, rules, and
regulations shall be laid before the lord lieutenant in council, for his
approval, a copy of the same shall be deposited with the [chief clerk for each
county court division] in Ireland in which such bye laws, rules, and
regulations are proposed to be enforced, and with the clerks of the petty
sessions for each district in which it is proposed the same shall be enforced;
and a notice of the lodgment thereof shall be posted at the usual places for
posting notices in each such petty session district; and it shall be lawful
for any party who may consider himself aggrieved by any such intended bye
laws, rules, and regulations, to appeal to the lord lieutenant in council
against such intended bye laws, rules, and regulations.

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