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Northern Irish Legislation

You are here:  BAILII >> Databases >> Northern Irish Legislation >> EDUCATIONAL ENDOWMENTS (IRELAND) ACT 1885

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7. This Act shall not apply

(2)to any endowment solely or mainly applicable or applied for the purposes of
theological instruction, or belonging to any theological institution; or

(3)to any endowment which in the discretion of the governing body may be
wholly applied to other than educational purposes; or

(4)to any endowment or part of an endowment (as the case may be) given to
charitable uses, or to such uses as are referred to in this Act, at any time
after the passing of this Act; or

(5)to any endowment consisting of voluntary subscriptions, or accumulations,
or investments thereof; or

(6)to any endowment applicable and provided exclusively for the benefit of
persons of any particular religious denomination, and which is under the
exclusive control of persons of that denomination,

Apportionment of mixed endowments.

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