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Northern Irish Legislation

You are here:  BAILII >> Databases >> Northern Irish Legislation >> EXCHEQUER AND AUDIT DEPARTMENTS ACT 1866

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Payment over of balances on accounts, and recovery of balances improperly retained.

41. Every accountant shall, on the termination of his charge as such
accountant, or in case of a deceased accountant his representatives shall
forthwith pay over any balance of public money then due to the public in
respect of such charge to the public officer authorized to receive the same;
and in all cases in which it shall appear to the Comptroller and Auditor
General that balances of public money have been improperly and unnecessarily
retained by an accountant, he shall report the circumstances of such cases to
the Treasury; and the Treasury shall take such measures as to them may seem
expedient for recovering by legal process, or by other lawful ways and means,
the amount of such balance or balances, together with interest thereon, upon
the whole or part of such balance or balances, for such period of time and at
such rate, not exceeding five pounds per centum per annum, as to the Treasury
may appear just and reasonable.

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