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Northern Irish Legislation

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Statements of account to be recorded in office of Comptroller, &c.

39. ... every statement of an account made out, [and certified] as aforesaid,
shall be recorded in the office of the Comptroller and Auditor General, and
the recording of such statement of account in his office shall be as valid and
effectual for enabling any process in the law against the party chargeable,
and any other proceeding for the recovery of any balances and any interest
thereon, and for all other purposes, as the enrolment of a declared account in
the office of Her Majesty's Remembrancer would have been if this Act had not
been passed; and a copy, certified under the hands of the Comptroller and
Auditor General, of the record of any such statement of account shall be taken
notice of and proceeded upon in the like manner as the record of any such
declared account, enrolled as aforesaid, might have been if this Act had not
been passed.

S.40 rep. by 1921 c.52 s.10(2) sch.2

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