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Northern Irish Legislation

You are here:  BAILII >> Databases >> Northern Irish Legislation >> EXCHEQUER AND AUDIT DEPARTMENTS ACT 1866

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Credits for ways and means granted to make good supplies granted by Act or resolution.

15. When any ways and means shall have been granted by Parliament to make good
the supplies granted to Her Majesty by any Act of Parliament or resolution of
the House of Commons, the Comptroller and Auditor General shall grant to the
Treasury, on their requisition authorizing the same, a credit or credits on
the Exchequer accounts at the Bank of England and Bank of Ireland, or on the
growing balances thereof, not exceeding in the whole the amount of the ways
and means so granted. Out of the credits so granted to the Treasury issues
shall be made to principal accountants from time to time on orders issued to
the said Banks, signed by one of the Secretaries of the Treasury, or in their
absence by such officer or officers as the Treasury may from time to time
appoint to that duty; and the services or votes on account of which the issues
may be authorized shall be set forth in such orders: Provided always, that the
issues [for army, navy and air-force services] shall be made under the general
[heads of "Army" "Navy" and "Air Force"] respectively.A daily account of all
issues made from the Exchequer accounts in pursuance of such orders shall be
transmitted by the said Banks to the Comptroller and Auditor General.

S.16 rep. by 1875 c.45 s.6. S.17 rep. by 1889 c.53 s.2

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