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Northern Irish Legislation

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33. The following general rules shall be observed with respect to the packing
of gunpowder for conveyance.

Rules rescinded, SRO 1904/1221 (p.137); see now SRO (NI) 1950/34 (p.204)

In the event of any breach (by any act or default) of any general rule in this
section the gunpowder in respect of which the breach is committed may be
forfeited, and the person guilty of such breach shall be liable to a penalty
not exceeding [one hundred pounds].

The Secretary of State may from time to time make, and when made, repeal,
alter, and add to rules for the purpose of rescinding, altering, or adding to
the general rules contained in this section, and the rules so made by the
Secretary of State shall have the same effect as if they were enacted in this

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