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Northern Irish Legislation

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12. Where the occupier of any gunpowder factory or magazine desires that any
alteration should be made in the terms of his license, or any material
alteration made in the factory or magazine by enlarging or adding to the site
or by externally enlarging or adding to any building, or by altering any mound
otherwise than by enlargement, or by making any new work, he may apply for an
amending license.

If he satisfy the Secretary of State that the alteration may be properly
permitted, having regard to the safety of the persons employed in the factory
or magazine, and will not materially either increase the danger to the public
from fire or explosion, or diminish the distance of any danger building in the
factory or magazine from any building or work outside and in the neighbourhood
of the factory or magazine, or increase the amount of gunpowder allowed to be
kept in the factory magazine or in any building in the magazine, the Secretary
of State may grant the amending license of his own authority, but, save as
aforesaid, the provisions of this Act with respect to the application for and
grant of a new license shall apply to such amending license.

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